What is cross-training?

In order to talk about the benefits of cross-training, let’s make sure we know what it is first!

It’s not just about doing a variety of different activities – it’s about learning new skills and training in a way that will prepare you best for your running. Popular forms of cross-training are swimming and cycling, although many others use the gym or other aerobic sports. Cross-training can help reduce the risk of injury by lessening the constant high-impact work on your joints. It can also help avoid monotony, tone your body, and keep you strong and flexible.

Whatever your training level, it can help you get the results you want. Cross-training is for anyone!

It’s important when you set up your programme for cross-training that you know what you’re training for and your goal is to include a varied mix of aerobic and anaerobic activity.

It is important to strength train too. This help to re-shape your body, aids weight loss, boosts your metabolic rate, helps to improve your posture and importantly helps to keep our bones strong and healthy.

Finally, with cross-training, we must include flexibility/stretch training too. It can have so many benefits – it can help reduce the risk of injury, increase agility, balance, help relaxation and help stress release. Combining cardiovascular training, strength training and flexibility training helps us achieve a proper balance, as these three points are the foundations for any effective fitness programme.
You work hard to stay fit – you run! Now it’s time to work smarter and get the best out of your training!